$Id: FAQ,v 1.4 2005/08/10 02:50:53 sten Exp $

1.) How can I start KDE ?
    a.) - the easy way -
    vi ~/.xinitrc
    exec startkde
    b.) - the best way KDM -
    vi /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession
    case $# in
    case $1 in
	    exec xterm -geometry 80x24-0-0
	    exec /usr/bin/startkde
    ^ add the Xsession "kde"
    root@host:# /etc/rc.d/kdm start

2.) Other XServers can't connect to my xdm/kdm, help !

    You must enable xdmcp !

    vi /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config						           
    --> look for:
    DisplayManager.requestPort:     0
    --> replace with: 
    DisplayManager.requestPort:     177

    - or - simply comment it out ;-)
    If you don't like kdm choose xdm.
    For xdm, you should add your authorized hosts in /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess.
    Test with 'X :1 -query localhost' or 'Xnest :1 -query localhost'
3.) Why are there so many libraries ??

    You don't need to install/compile all of them.. but some nice functions
    won't run without.

4.) My audio skips!

    To enable real-time audio, you can use artswrapper
    as root, "chmod u+s /usr/bin/artswrapper"

5.) Konqueror doesn't resume a partially-transfered file when using

    Periodically, updating either openssl and openssh breaks the sftp://
    KIO-Slave.  The fix is to recompile and update openssh, and then do the
    same for kdelibs.

6.) Can I easily omit particular applications during the install ?

    Yes you can, I got a mail from Patrick Yavitz which explains the needed


    From: Patrick Yavitz 
    To: Daniel Mueller
    Subject: CRUX KDE Ports
    Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:56:57 -0400


    Here is an example, of how I removed unwanted applications from the
    kdenetwork package.

    build () {
        cd $name-$version
        DO_NOT_COMPILE="kit knewsticker kppp ksirc ktalkd wifi" \
        ./configure --prefix=/usr \
                    --with-xinerama \
                    --disable-debug \
                    --disable-dependency-tracking \
        make DESTDIR=$PKG install
        rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/doc


    Unfortunately there is a draw back to this, some applications depend on
    others, so removing one and not the other can cause errors during
    compile time. For example when I included librss for removal the install
    hit an error...




7.) Why should I use KDE ? KDE isn't lightweight !

    Hey ! It's your turn. In my opinion KDE is a nice desktop/wm.

Daniel Mueller 
edited by Nick Steeves