
817 lines
28 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# pkg-get - A binary package management utility for CRUX Linux
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Simone Rota <>
# Copyright (C) 2006-2023 by CRUX team (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Digest::file qw(digest_file_hex);
use File::Path;
my $VERSION = "0.4.8";
my $CFGFILE = "/etc/pkg-get.conf";
my $LOCKFILE = "/var/lib/pkg/";
my $PKGDB = "/var/lib/pkg/db" ;
$SIG{HUP} = \&trap; $SIG{INT} = \&trap;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&trap; $SIG{TERM} = \&trap;
# Global vars
my @repos = (); # package repositories
my @donetasks; my @failtasks; my @prevtasks; my %pptasks; my %readmetasks;
my $curraction = ""; my %depmap; my %locked; my %checksumsize;
my %fullpath; my %remote; my %prepostread; my %description;
my %instver; my %repver; my %shortstatus;
# CL Options
my $download_only; my $pre_install; my $post_install; my $root="";
my $install_scripts; my $all; my $filter = ""; my $unused;
my $aargs=""; my $ignore_md5sum; my $force; my $force_reinst;
"pre-install"=>\$pre_install, "post-install"=>\$post_install,
"install-scripts"=>\$install_scripts, "all"=>\$all,
"filter=s"=>\$filter, "config=s"=>\$CFGFILE, "aargs=s"=>\$aargs,
"f"=>\$force, "im"=>\$ignore_md5sum, "margs=s"=>\$unused,
"fr"=>\$force_reinst, "rargs=s"=>\$unused, "r=s"=>\$root);
if ($root) {
$PKGDB = $root.$PKGDB;
# Get command, verify it's valid
my $command = getcommand(@ARGV);
if (index($command,"Error: ") eq 0 ) {
$command =~ s/Error\: //;
get_locked() unless ($command =~
if ($command eq "version") { version(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "sync") { sync(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command =~ /^(info|path|readme)$/) { info($1); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "help") { help(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command =~ /^(d|)search$/) { search(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "list") { list(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "remove") { remove(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "listinst") { listinst(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "lock") { dolock(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "unlock") { unlock(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "listlocked") { listlocked(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "printf") { doprintf(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command =~ /^(isinst|current)$/) { current(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command =~ /^(diff|quickdiff|sysup)$/) { diff($1); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "dup") { dup(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command =~ /^(install|update)$/) { upinst(@ARGV); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "dependent") { dependent(); last SWITCH; }
if ($command =~ /^(depends|quickdep)$/) { load_depmap(); depends($1); last SWITCH; }
if ($command eq "depinst") { load_depmap(); depinst(); last SWITCH; }
# Support functions
# Exit with error
sub exiterr {
my ($msg) = @_;
print "pkg-get: $msg\n";
exit 1;
sub trap {
die("\npkg-get: interrupted\n");
# Get command, return an error if not in the list of allowed commands
sub getcommand {
my ($givencmd, $givenarg) = @_;
if (not $givenarg){$givenarg = ""};
if (not $givencmd){
return "Error: no command given. try pkg-get help for more information";
my @allowed = ("depinst:", "install:", "sysup", "diff", "update:",
"depends:", "info:", "sync", "version", "help",
"quickdep:", "dependent:", "list", "listinst", "isinst:",
"search:", "dsearch:", "lock:", "unlock:", "listlocked",
"quickdiff", "printf:", "remove:", "readme:", "dup",
"path:", "current:");
(grep { ($_ eq $givencmd) } @allowed)
or ((grep { ($_ eq "${givencmd}:") } @allowed) and ($givenarg ne ""))
or return "Error: improper command '$givencmd $givenarg'. Try pkg-get help for more information";
return $givencmd;
# Parse the configuration file
sub readconfig {
or exiterr("could not open $CFGFILE");
while (<CFG>) {
if ( /^pkgdir\s+/ ) {
my $repo = $_;
$repo =~ s/^pkgdir\s+//;
$repo =~ s/#.*$//;
$repo =~ s/\s+$//;
push @repos, $repo;
} elsif (/^runscripts\s+/) {
my $rs = $_;
$rs =~ s/^runscripts\s+//;
$rs =~ s/#.*$//;
$rs =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($rs eq "yes") {$install_scripts = 1};
# Populate a hash of installed packages
sub getinstalled {
local $/ = ""; # read files paragraph-wise; see ``perldoc perlvar''
open(DB, $PKGDB) or exiterr("could not open ".$PKGDB);
while (<DB>) {
my ($name, $version, @files) = split /\n/, $_;
$instver{$name} = $version;
# Populate a hash of locked packages
sub get_locked {
open (my $fL, $LOCKFILE) or return;
while (<$fL>) { chomp; $locked{$_} = 1; }
close ($fL);
# Populate hashes for the available packages
# (requires a previous run of getinstalled)
sub load_repos {
(%instver) or ($command eq "list") or getinstalled();
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
open(REPO, "$dir/PKGREPO") or exiterr("could not open $dir/PKGREPO");
while (<REPO>) {
my ($filename,$du,$checksum,$desc,$pre,$post,$read)=split(/:/,$_);
my $pkgname = $filename;
$pkgname =~ s/#.*//;
next if ($repver{$pkgname}); # only consider the first matching entry
$repver{$pkgname} = $1 if ($filename =~ m/.*#(.*)\.pkg\.tar\./);
# no need to populate the remaining hashes if the user only asked for a list
next if ($command eq "list");
$remote{$pkgname} = ($url) ? $url : "";
$fullpath{$pkgname} = "$dir/$filename";
$checksumsize{$pkgname} = "$du:$checksum";
($command ne "info") or $description{$pkgname} = $desc;
$prepostread{$pkgname} = "$pre:$post:$read";
if (! $instver{$pkgname}) {
$shortstatus{$pkgname} = "[ ]";
} elsif ($instver{$pkgname} eq $repver{$pkgname}) {
$shortstatus{$pkgname} = "[i]";
} else {
$shortstatus{$pkgname} = "[u]";
close (REPO);
# Parse a line describing a package
sub parsepackage {
my $type=shift; my @p = split(/\:/, $_[0]);
if ($#p < 6) {exiterr("$_[1]/PKGREPO appears to be in wrong format!\nAborting.")};
my ($N, $V, $C) = ($p[0] =~ m/(.*)\#(.*)\.pkg\.tar\.(bz2|gz|lz|xz|zstd)$/) ? ($1, $2, $3) : ("","","");
($type ne "light") or return ('name' => $N);
my $R = ($V =~ m/^.*-(\w)$/) ? $1 : 0;
$V =~ s/-\w$//;
my %pkg = ( 'name' => $N, 'version' => $V, 'release' => $R, 'compression' => $C );
if (not $_[2]) {$_[2] = $_[1]};
$pkg{'path'} = $_[1];
$pkg{'url'} = $_[2];
$pkg{'url'} =~ s/\/$//;
$pkg{'url'} .= "/$p[0]";
$pkg{'size'} = $p[1];
$pkg{'md5sum'} = $p[2];
$pkg{'description'} = $p[3];
$pkg{'pre_install'} = $p[4];
$pkg{'post_install'} = $p[5];
$pkg{'readme'} = $p[6];
return %pkg;
# Print info about the given package
sub printinfo {
my $pkgname = shift;
my ($path, $version, $release) = ($1,$2,$3)
if ($fullpath{$pkgname} =~ m/(.*)\/$pkgname#(.*)-([0-9]*)\.pkg\.tar/);
my ($du, $md5sum) = ($1,$2) if ($checksumsize{$pkgname} =~ m/([0-9]*):(.*)/);
my $url = ($remote{$pkgname}) ? $remote{$pkgname} : $path;
print "Name : " . $pkgname . "\n";
print "Version : " . $version . "\n";
print "Release : " . $release . "\n";
print "Description : " . $description{$pkgname} . "\n";
print "URL : " . $url . "\n";
print "Md5sum : " . $md5sum . "\n";
print "Size : " . $du . "\n";
my $deps = ($depmap{$pkgname}) ? $depmap{$pkgname} : "";
($deps eq "") or print "Depends on : $deps\n";
my $files = "";
if ($prepostread{$pkgname} =~ /:yes$/) {$files .= "README,"};
if ($prepostread{$pkgname} =~ /^yes:/) {$files .= "pre-install,"};
if ($prepostread{$pkgname} =~ /:yes:/) {$files .= "post-install,"};
$files =~ s/\,$//;
($files eq "") or print "Files : $files\n";
# Prints the README file to stdout
sub printreadme {
my $pkgname = shift;
my ($found, $finished) = (0, 0);
my $path = $fullpath{$pkgname};
$path =~ s/[^\/]*$//;
open(READ, "$path/PKGREAD")
or exiterr("could not open $path/PKGREAD");
while (<READ>) {
if ( ($found == 1) and (/PKGREADME\:/) ) {
$finished = 1;
} elsif ($found == 1) {
print "$_\n";
} elsif ( /PKGREADME\: $pkgname$/ ) {
$found = 1;
last if ($finished == 1);
# Print results for multiple package operations
sub printresults {
my $okaction = $curraction;
my $curr = "";
my $action;
my $pkg;
my @readme;
if (@donetasks) {
@readme = grep { ($readmetasks{$_}) } @donetasks;
print "\n-- Packages $okaction\n";
foreach my $task(@donetasks) {
print "$task" . $pptasks{$task}."\n";
if (@prevtasks) {
if ($okaction eq "installed") {
print "\n-- Packages installed before this run (ignored)\n";
} else {
print "\n-- Packages not previously installed (ignored)\n";
foreach my $task(@prevtasks) { print "$task\n"; }
if (@failtasks) {
foreach my $task(sort @failtasks) {
($action, $pkg) = split(/,/,$task);
if ($curr ne $action) {
print "\n-- Packages $action\n";
$curr = $action;
print "$pkg\n";
if (@readme) {
print "\n-- $okaction packages with README file\n";
print join(", ",@readme);
print "\n";
(! @donetasks) or (@failtasks) or ($_[0]) or
print "\npkg-get: $okaction successfully\n";
# Initialize a hash of dependencies
sub load_depmap {
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
open(DEPS, "$dir/PKGDEPS") or exiterr("could not open $dir/PKGDEPS");
while (<DEPS>) {
my ($pkgname,$pkgdep) = ($1,$2) if ( m/([^\s]*)\s*:\s*(.*)$/ );
next if ($depmap{$pkgname});
$depmap{$pkgname} = $pkgdep;
# Return a sorted list of packages required to satisfy all dependencies.
sub deporder {
my $type=shift; my @seeds=@_; our @treewalk=(); our @result; our %missing;
our %given = map { $_ => 1 } @seeds; our %imark=(); our %fmark=();
foreach my $t (@seeds) { recurse_deptree($t,""); }
sub recurse_deptree {
my $s=shift; my $pkgparent=shift; my %curdeps=();
# early return if this node has been visited already
if ($fmark{$s}) { return; }
# detect targets that are not present among the repositories
if (! $repver{$s}) {
$missing{$pkgparent} .= "$s from $pkgparent;";
# dependency cycle detection
if ($imark{$s}) {
print "Dependency cycle found: ";
foreach (@treewalk) { print "$_ => "; }
print "$s\n";
push(@treewalk, $s); $imark{$s}=1;
# assemble the list of dependencies that must be visited next
(! $depmap{$s}) or %curdeps = map { $_ => 1 } split / /, $depmap{$s};
foreach my $sd (keys %curdeps) {
delete $imark{$s}; pop(@treewalk);
$fmark{$s} = 1;
push(@result, $s);
if ((%missing) and ($type ne "quick")) {
push (@result, "--- missing deps:");
foreach my $mdep (sort(keys %missing)) {
push (@result, split /;/, $missing{$mdep});
return @result;
# Download given package (if needed), check md5sum
sub downloadpkg {
my $pkgname = shift;
my $url = "$remote{$pkgname}";
if ($url) {
$url =~ s/\#/\%23/;
} else {
my $saved = (-f $fullpath{$pkgname}) ? 1 : 0;
return $saved;
my $downloadcmd = "curl --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o $fullpath{$pkgname} $url";
(! $force_reinst) or system ($downloadcmd) == 0 or return 0;
(-f $fullpath{$pkgname}) or system ($downloadcmd) == 0 or return 0;
# by now there should be a file in the expected location
my $md5found = digest_file_hex($fullpath{$pkgname},"MD5");
my $md5expected = $1 if ($checksumsize{$pkgname} =~ m/:(.*)/);
if ($md5found ne $md5expected and not $ignore_md5sum) {
print STDERR "=======> ERROR: md5sum mismatch for $pkgname:\n";
print STDERR "required : $md5expected\n";
print STDERR "found : $md5found\n";
return 0;
return 1;
# Install given package
sub installpkg {
my ($upgrade, $pkgname) = @_;
my $aa = $aargs." ";
if ($prepostread{$pkgname} =~ m/:yes$/) {$readmetasks{$pkgname} = 1};
$pptasks{$pkgname} = "";
if ($force){$aa = $aa."-f ";}
if ($root ne "") {$aa = $aa."-r ".$root." ";}
if ($install_scripts and $prepostread{$pkgname} =~ m/^yes/) {doscript("pre",$pkgname);}
print "pkg-get: /usr/bin/pkgadd $upgrade $aa$fullpath{$pkgname}\n";
system ("/usr/bin/pkgadd $upgrade $aa$fullpath{$pkgname}") == 0 or return 0;
if ($install_scripts and $prepostread{$pkgname} =~ m/:yes:/) {doscript("post",$pkgname);}
return 1;
# Execute pre- or post-install script
sub doscript {
my ($when, $pkgname) = @_;
my $path = $fullpath{$pkgname};
$path =~ s/[^\/]*$//;
my $cmd = ($root ne "") ? "chroot $root " : "";
$cmd .= "/bin/bash $path/PKGINST $pkgname $when";
if ((-e "$root$path/PKGINST") and (system($cmd) == 0)) {
$pptasks{$pkgname} .= " [$when: ok]";
} else {
$pptasks{$pkgname} .= " [$when: failed]";
# Main functions (commands)
# No pun intended ##########################################################
sub version {
print "pkg-get $VERSION by Simone Rota <sip\>\n";
# Show brief help ##########################################################
sub help {
print "Usage: pkg-get command <package1> [package2 ... packageN] [options]
Some command:
sync synchronize with the repository
depinst install package and its dependencies
info info about package
sysup update all outdated packages
diff list all outdated packages
Some option:
-do download only
--install-scripts use install scripts
-r <root> use <root> for pkgadd
pkg-get install sqlite pysqlite
For other commands and samples, see the pkg-get(8) man page\n";
# Sync with the remote server(s) ###########################################
sub sync {
my $dlerror = 0;
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
next if (not $url);
print "Updating collection $dir\n";
(-d $dir) or mkdir($dir) or exiterr("cannot create $dir");
for my $f ("PKGREPO", "PKGDEPS", "PKGREAD", "PKGINST") {
(! -f "$dir/$f") or rename("$dir/$f", "$dir/$f.old") or exiterr("cannot write to $dir");
if (system("curl -s --output-dir $dir -o $f $url/$f") != 0) {
print " cannot retrieve $f\n";
if ($dlerror) { # restore backup repo
for my $f ("PKGREPO", "PKGDEPS", "PKGREAD", "PKGINST") {
(! -f "$dir/$f.old") or rename("$dir/$f.old", "$dir/$f") or exiterr("cannot write to $dir");
} else { # remove backup repo
for my $f ("PKGREPO", "PKGDEPS", "PKGREAD", "PKGINST") {
(! -f "$dir/$f.old") or unlink("$dir/$f.old") or exiterr("cannot write to $dir");
# Show info/readme/path for specific packages ####################################
sub info {
my ($type, @args) = @ARGV;
(%repver) or load_repos();
($type ne "info") or load_depmap();
foreach my $arg (@args) {
($fullpath{$arg}) or next;
if ($type eq "info") {
} elsif ($type eq "readme") {
} else {
my $path = $fullpath{$arg};
$path =~ s/[^\/]*$//;
print $path . "\n";
# List packages containing given string (name/description) #################
sub search {
my $arg = $ARGV[1];
my $parsetype = ($ARGV[0] =~ /^d/) ? "full" : "light";
my %found;
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
open(REPO, "$dir/PKGREPO") or exiterr("could not open $dir/PKGREPO");
while (<REPO>) {
my %pkg = parsepackage($parsetype,$_, $dir, $url);
next if ($found{$pkg{'name'}});
(index($pkg{'name'}, $arg) < 0) or ($parsetype eq "full") or $found{$pkg{'name'}} = 1;
($parsetype ne "full") or (index($pkg{'description'}, $arg) < 0) or $found{$pkg{'name'}} = 1;
foreach my $key (sort keys %found) { print "$key\n"; }
if (not %found) { print "No matching packages found\n"; }
# List all available packages ##############################################
# (requires a previous run of load_repos)
sub list {
(%repver) or load_repos();
foreach my $key(sort keys %repver) { print "$key\n"; }
# Remove given packages ####################################################
sub remove {
$curraction = "removed";
my $cmd = "/usr/bin/pkgrm";
$cmd .= " -r $root" if ($root ne "");
foreach my $pkg(@ARGV) {
$pptasks{$pkg} = "";
if (system("$cmd $pkg")==0) {
push(@donetasks, $pkg);
} else {
push(@failtasks, "where removal failed,$pkg");
# List installed packages ##################################################
sub listinst {
getinstalled() if (! %instver);
foreach my $key (sort keys %instver) { print "$key\n"; }
# Print package version, or install status #################################
sub current {
getinstalled() if (! %instver);
my $type = shift(@ARGV); my $result;
foreach my $pkg(@ARGV) {
if ($instver{$pkg}) {
$result = ($type eq "current") ? ": version $instver{$pkg}\n"
: " is installed\n";
} else {
$result = " not installed\n";
print "Package " . $pkg . $result;
# Lock given packages ######################################################
sub dolock {
open(LCK, ">> $LOCKFILE") or exiterr("could not write to lock file");
foreach my $arg(@ARGV) {
if ($locked{$arg}) {
print "Already locked: $arg\n"; next;
print LCK "$arg\n";
# Unlock given packages ####################################################
sub unlock {
foreach my $arg(@ARGV) {
if (! $locked{$arg}) {
print "Not locked previously: $arg\n"; next;
} else {
delete $locked{$arg};
open(my $fL, ">$LOCKFILE") or exiterr("could not write to lock file");
foreach (sort keys %locked) { print $fL "$_\n"; }
# List locked packages #####################################################
sub listlocked {
foreach (sort keys %locked) { print "$_\n"; }
# Print formatted info #####################################################
sub doprintf {
my %printed;
my $fmt = $ARGV[1];
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
open(REPO, "$dir/PKGREPO") or exiterr("could not open $dir/PKGREPO");
while (<REPO>) {
my %pkg = parsepackage("full",$_, $dir, $url);
next if ($printed{$pkg{'name'}});
(! $filter) or $filter =~ s/\*/\.\*/;
if (($filter) and ($pkg{'name'} !~ /^$filter$/)) {
$printed{$pkg{'name'}} = 1; next;
my $printstring = $fmt;
$printstring =~ s|%n|$pkg{'name'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%p|$pkg{'path'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%v|$pkg{'version'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%r|$pkg{'release'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%d|$pkg{'description'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%u|$pkg{'url'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%R|$pkg{'readme'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%E|$pkg{'pre_install'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%O|$pkg{'post_install'}|;
$printstring =~ s|%M|None|; # for prt-get compatibility
$printstring =~ s|%P|None|; # for prt-get compatibility
$printstring =~ s|\\n|\n|;
$printstring =~ s|\\t|\t|;
if (index($printstring,"%e") >=0) {
my $deps = $depmap{$pkg{'name'}};
$printstring =~ s|%e|$deps|;
if (index($printstring,"%l") >=0) {
my $locked = ($locked{$pkg{'name'}}) ? "yes" : "no";
$printstring =~ s|%l|$locked|;
if (index($printstring,"%i") >=0) {
(%instver) or getinstalled();
my $inst = ($instver{$pkg{'name'}}) ? "yes" : "no";
($inst eq "no") or
($instver{$pkg{'name'}} eq "$repver{$pkg{'name'}}")
or $inst = "diff";
$printstring =~ s|%i|$inst|;
print $printstring;
$printed{$pkg{'name'}} = 1;
# Show or resolve differences between installed and available packages #####
sub diff {
my $format = shift; my %found; my @diff;
my $strf= ($format =~ /^quick/) ? "%s " : "%-19s %-19s %-19s\n";
(%instver) or getinstalled();
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
open(REPO, "$dir/PKGREPO") or exiterr("could not open $dir/PKGREPO");
my @multip=();
while (<REPO>) {
my %pkg = parsepackage("full",$_, $dir, $url);
next if ( ($found{$pkg{'name'}}) or (! $instver{$pkg{'name'}}) );
next if ( ($locked{$pkg{'name'}}) and (! $all) );
my $lastcol = ($locked{$pkg{'name'}}) ? "locked" : "";
($lastcol eq "locked") or $lastcol = ($instver{$pkg{'name'}}
eq $pkg{'version'}."-".$pkg{'release'}) ? "uptodate" :
push @multip, "$pkg{'name'}^$instver{$pkg{'name'}}^$lastcol";
while (my $mp = shift @multip) {
my ($mpname, $vinst, $mpinfo) = split /\^/, $mp;
next if ( (@multip) and ($multip[0] =~ m/^\Q$mpname\E\^/) );
$found{$mpname} = 1;
next if ($mpinfo eq "uptodate");
($format !~ /^(quick|sysup)/) or push @diff, $mpname;
($format =~ /^(quick|sysup)/) or push @diff, join("^",
$mpname, $vinst, $mpinfo);
($#diff < 0) or ($format =~ /^(quick|sysup)/) or
printf $strf, "Package","Installed", "Available in the repositories";
if ($format ne "sysup") {
print "\n";
foreach my $dl (@diff) { printf $strf, split /\^/, $dl; }
($format !~ /^quick/) or ($#diff < 0) or print "\n";
($#diff >= 0) or print "No differences found\n";
# proceed with updates if sysup was requested
($#diff < 0) or ($format ne "sysup") or upinst("update", @diff);
# Display duplicate packages (found in more than one repo) #################
sub dup {
my %found;
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
open(REPO, "$dir/PKGREPO") or exiterr("could not open $dir/PKGREPO");
while (<REPO>) {
my %pkg = parsepackage("full",$_, $dir, $url);
$found{$pkg{'name'}} .= "###$pkg{'path'}/$pkg{'name'}#"
. "$pkg{'version'}-$pkg{'release'}"
. ".pkg.tar.$pkg{'compression'}";
foreach my $key (sort keys %found) {
my $value = $found{$key};
$value =~ s/^\#\#\#//;
(index($value, "###") > 0) or next;
print "* $key\n";
foreach my $dup(split(/\#\#\#/, $value)) { print " $dup\n"; }
# Show list of dependencies for package ####################################
sub depends {
my ($j, $type) = ($ARGV[0] =~ /^quick/) ? (" ","quick") : ("\n","full");
($type eq "quick") or (%instver) or getinstalled();
(%repver) or load_repos();
my @args = @ARGV; shift @args;
my @result=deporder($type,@args) or exiterr("package '$ARGV[1]' not found");
(! @result) or ($type = "quick") or print "-- dependencies ([i] = installed, [u] = updatable)\n";
foreach my $res (@result) { print $res . $j; }
($type ne "quick") or print "\n";
# Show packages directly depending from given package ######################
sub dependent {
my $arg = $ARGV[1]; my %dp;
getinstalled() unless (($all) or (%instver));
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
open(DEPS, "$dir/PKGDEPS")
or exiterr("could not open $dir/PKGDEPS");
while (<DEPS>) {
my ($maybe, $deplist) = split /\:/;
# collapse trailing or leading whitespace
$maybe =~ s/\s+$//; $deplist =~ s/^\s+//;
# ensure that arg is surrounded by commas, even if appearing at
# the beginning or the end of the list
$deplist =~ s/^/\,/; $deplist =~ s/$/\,/;
$dp{$maybe} = 1 if (index($deplist,",$arg,") >= 0);
foreach my $res(keys %dp) {
print "$res\n" unless ((not $all) and (! $instver{$res}));
# Install or update given package ##########################################
sub upinst {
my ($cmd, @args) = @_; my $aa;
($curraction, $aa) = ($cmd =~ /^up/) ? ("updated","-u") : ("installed","");
if ($root ne "") {
foreach my $repo(@repos) {
my ($dir, $url) = split(/\|/, $repo);
( -e "$root$dir" ) or make_path("$root$dir");
( -d "$root$dir" ) or next;
open(my $host, "$dir/PKGINST") or next;
open(my $mount, ">$root$dir/PKGINST");
while (<$host>) { print $mount $_; }
getinstalled() if (! %instver);
load_repos() if (! %repver);
foreach my $pkgname(@args) {
my $failed=0;
if (not $repver{$pkgname}) {
push(@failtasks, "not found,$pkgname");
} elsif ( ($cmd . $shortstatus{$pkgname})
=~ /^(update. |install.u|install.i)/ ) {
push(@prevtasks, "$pkgname");
} elsif ( (($cmd . $shortstatus{$pkgname}) =~ /^update.i/) and (! $force_reinst) ) {
push(@prevtasks, "$pkgname");
} elsif (downloadpkg($pkgname)) {
($download_only) or installpkg($aa, $pkgname) or $failed=1;
($failed == 1) ? push(@failtasks, "where $cmd failed,$pkgname")
: push(@donetasks, $pkgname);
} else {
push(@failtasks, "where download failed,$pkgname");
# Install given package, along with dependencies ###########################
sub depinst {
my @toinst;
$curraction = "installed";
my @args = @ARGV; shift(@args);
getinstalled() if (! %instver);
(%repver) or load_repos();
my @maybeinst = deporder("quick",@args);
foreach my $pkg (@maybeinst) {
next if (($locked{$pkg}) or (! $repver{$pkg}));
if (! $instver{$pkg}) {
push(@toinst, $pkg);
upinst("install",@toinst) if (@toinst);