Jose V Beneyto
Prepared 0.4.6 release
- Updated copyright and version - Updated TODO and Changelog files
INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pkg-get is a package / repository management tool for CRUX Linux. Syntax and features are very close (often a carbon copy) to the ones found in the port management tool 'prt-get' by Johannes Winkelmann. In fact pkg-get was developed as a prt-get/ports drop-in replacement for systems in which it is preferable to handle binary packages instead of compiling ports. ARCHITECTURE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The local machines sync metadata files (available packages, readme files, dependencies, etc) from a remote (http or ftp) OR a local path. Once the metadata is present on the local machine, the usual operations of installing, removing, getting info on packages are available. QUICK START ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server: A repository can be generated using 'pkg-repgen' in a dir containing packages. It will take a while since md5sums have to be calculated. Client: Adjust settings in /etc/pkg-get.conf, then use the 'pkg-get sync' command to gather metadata from the server (if remote). You can now use the commands as described in the manual, i.e.: pkg-get info apache pkg-get depinst kdebase pkg-get listinst See the manual page for a detailed list of commands and options. REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the client nothing outside the CRUX 'core' collection For the server, prt-get