Thanks to hestia and jaeger for inspiring this hacking session (2023-08-22). All commands were performed on a pkg-cleaned installation of CRUX 3.7, leaving the ports at whatever outdated version they had when this particular system was last in daily use. In light of the recent changes to libxkbcommon, jaeger made the observation that `prt-get depinst i3` on a core-only system hits an error, as libxkbcommon will be built without x11 support. To establish a reference point for subsequent experiments, here is the list of targets that would be selected by the latest official release of prt-get (5.19.6), in response to the recommended way of installing a desired port. In[0]: prt-get depinst --test i3 Out[0]: *** prt-get: test mode -- Packages installed fribidi xorg-util-macros xorg-libpixman libev libpng libxml2 xorg-xtrans libxkbcommon libxslt xorg-xcb-proto yajl xorg-xorgproto freetype glib xorg-libice xorg-libxau xorg-libxdmcp fontconfig gobject-introspection xorg-libsm xorg-libxcb xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-xcb-util-renderutil xorg-xcb-util-keysyms xorg-xcb-util-wm xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender xorg-libxt xorg-libxkbfile xorg-xcb-util-image xorg-xcb-util-xrm cairo startup-notification xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xcb-util-cursor harfbuzz xkeyboard-config xorg-libxft pango i3 -- installed packages with README files: fontconfig prt-get: installed successfully *** prt-get: test mode end As seen in the output above, at the time of building libxkbcommon, there are only 7 non-core ports installed, none of which is xkeyboard-config, so the flag '-D enable-x11=false' gets passed to the meson setup command for libxkbcommon. Thus the necessary linking to x11 libs does not happen, and i3 cannot compile successfully. Suppose we try to fix this omission in the most natural way: append xkeyboard-config at the end of i3's dependency list. sed -i '/^# Depends on/s/$/ xkeyboard-config/' /usr/ports/opt/i3/Pkgfile Even this change is not enough! prt-get is not aware of the optional dependency relationship between libxkbcommon and xkeyboard-config, and so cannot insist that libxkbcommon comes later in the list of targets. Let's see whether farkuhar's softdeps-aware fork can do any better on this task. The naive approach, prt-get depinst --softdeps i3, still doesn't work because it will not automagically make two passes through the dependency tree (the first pass to assemble a minimal installation set, and the second pass to insert edges in the digraph based on optional dependency relationships among the targets found). Instead, you have to manually ask for two traversals of the dependency tree using a command substitution. In[1]: prt-get isinst $(prt-get quickdep i3) | awk '/not installed/ {print $2}' \ | xargs prt-get depinst --test --softdeps (Note that it's also necessary to filter out the already-installed ports before passing the quickdep output to `prt-get depinst` because this branch still makes a distinction between install and update transactions.) Out[1]: *** prt-get: test mode -- Packages installed fribidi xorg-util-macros xorg-libpixman libev xorg-xtrans libpng libxml2 fontconfig libxslt xorg-xcb-proto yajl xorg-xorgproto glib [post: deferred] xorg-libxau xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libice xorg-libxcb xorg-libsm xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-xcb-util-renderutil xorg-xcb-util-keysyms xorg-xcb-util-wm xorg-libxkbfile xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender xorg-libxt xorg-xcb-util-image xorg-xcb-util-xrm xorg-xkbcomp cairo startup-notification xorg-xcb-util-cursor xkeyboard-config gobject-introspection libxkbcommon harfbuzz freetype xorg-libxft pango i3 -- installed packages with README files: /usr/ports/opt/fontconfig prt-get: installed successfully *** prt-get: test mode end This output looks more likely to succeed. Note that libxkbcommon would be built AFTER its optional dependency xkeyboard-config, because when xkeyboard-config appears among the depinst targets, that dependency relationship gets incorporated into the sorting algorithm. The mixed-upinst branch of farkuhar's prt-get goes further. Not only do you get the feature of respecting optional dependencies, you can also do the command substitution without the awk filter, and the appropriate mode (install or update) will be selected for each target. In[2]: prt-get depinst --softdeps --test $(prt-get quickdep i3) Out[2]: *** prt-get: test mode -- Successful packages fribidi xz zlib ncurses expat libffi libnghttp2 openssl libuv lzlib rhash xorg-util-macros libpcre2 xorg-libpixman libev libpng elfutils libxml2 readline fontconfig xorg-xtrans file curl libxslt sqlite3 libarchive util-linux python3 cmake python3-setuptools xorg-xcb-proto yajl meson xorg-xorgproto glib [post: deferred] xorg-libxau xorg-libxdmcp xorg-libice xorg-libxcb xorg-libsm xorg-libx11 xorg-xcb-util xorg-xcb-util-renderutil xorg-xcb-util-keysyms xorg-xcb-util-wm xorg-libxkbfile xorg-libxext xorg-libxrender xorg-libxt xorg-xcb-util-image xorg-xcb-util-xrm xorg-xkbcomp cairo startup-notification xorg-xcb-util-cursor xkeyboard-config gobject-introspection libxkbcommon harfbuzz freetype xorg-libxft pango i3 -- Successful packages with README files: fontconfig prt-get: install successful. *** prt-get: test mode end Remarks: 1. The more intuitive version of the above commands, `prt-get depinst --test --softdeps i3`, currently does NOT consider the dependency relationship "libxkbcommon optionally depends on xkeyboard-config", because the latter port is neither currently installed, nor listed explicitly as an install target. This safeguard is meant to allow the operation to proceed after a SINGLE pass through the deptree, without pulling in ALL the ports listed as "Optional:" . In future we might consider letting the more intuitive command automatically make TWO passes through the deptree: first to pick up all the hard dependencies, and then to insert edges in the digraph that encode the optional dependencies among these targets. But such "automagic side-effects" (two traversals versus one) are typically frowned upon in CRUX, so for now we are happy to employ the command substitution $(prt-get quickdep i3) thereby communicating to prt-get our intention for two traversals of the deptree. 2. The result of trial 2 would be identical to that of `prt-get install --softdeps $(prt-get quickdep i3)` using the mixed-upinst branch, because 'install' on this branch behaves the same as 'depinst'. In jw describes this change as "prt-get no more silently assumes that the user didn't want a particular dependency". farkuhar's mixed-upinst branch still gives you the option to override this dependency-resolution-by-default; you just have to enter 'install --nodeps' instead of simply 'install'. 3. Some maintainers prefer to do a filesystem check to determine whether a needed dependency was linked to one of its optional libraries, and then exit early with a message alerting the user to rebuild one of the packages in the dependency tree. See contrib/libreoffice for an example. This preference is arguably more aligned with CRUX's stance against excessively "holding the user's hand". The softdeps feature is not intended to supplant the user's thinking, but rather to give convenient access to a more versatile topological sorting algorithm than the one coded in the official prt-get. The toposort algorithm used in the above experiments remains true to the style of jw's original code, but you can see another working implementation in farkuhar's Perl rewrite .