INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLING JOLUPALABS CRUX REPO ===== 1. First download the necessary files: ```bash wget --no-ch{httpup,pub} ``` 2. Move the downloaded file to the proper folder: ```bash sudo mv jolupalabs.{httpup,pub} /etc/ports/ ``` 3. Add the ports line in yours */etc/prt-get.conf* to fetch the repo: prtdir /usr/ports/jolupalabs 4. Update the repo into your computer: ```bash sudo ports -u jolupalabs ``` NOTES ===== 1. All the builds have the locales installed, this is a **NOT** for the CRUX handbook. If you want to remove the locales just edit the *Pkgfile* and uncomment the *rm* line. CONTACT ===== If you have any question, doubt or problem regarding the ports, please feel free to contact me at jlpavon at me dot com or just open a [issue]( XFCE INSTALLATION ===== I don't know why the two ways to install Xfce the first one, the meta package, was installing the packages in the wrong way; so now I recommend this way. 1. Install the packages in this **same order**: ```bash sudo prt-get depinst libxfce4util xfconf libxfce4ui garcon exo xfce4-panel thunar thunar-volman xfce4-settings xfce4-session xfwm4 xfdesktop xfce4-appfinder tumbler xfce4-terminal xfce4-power-manager xfce4-notifyd xfce4-screenshooter mousepad xdg-user-dirs greybird-xfce elementary-xfce font-noto font-undefined-medium ``` 3. Take a big cup of coffe or just relax... 4. To launch Xfce create a *.xinitrc* file in your *home* directory with the following content: ```bash #!/bin/sh exec ck-launch-session startxfce4 ``` 5. Enjoy this beatifull Desktop Environment! XFCE DEPENDENCIES IN THIS REPOSITORY ===== This are the dependencies you can find in this repository that are not avalaible in the oficila Crux repos. | PACKAGE | DEPENDENCY | | | |---|---|---|---| | LibXfce4Ui | Libgtop | | | | Thunar/Thunar-Volman | Gvfs | Udisks2 | | | | | Gsettings-Desktop-Schemas | | | | | Libatasmart | Libbytesize | | | | | Ndctl | | | | Libblockdev | | | Xfce4-Settings | Colord | | OTHER PACKAGES IN THIS REPO ===== You can find other packages not Xfce related in this repo, here's a list. | PACKAGE NAME | VERSION | NOTES | |---|:---:|---| | Console Tdm | 1.4.1 | A Console Display Manager | | Font Undefined Medium | 1.0 | | | Font Noto | 1.0 | All the Noto Fonts in one package | | Granite | 5.2.5 | | | Image Burner | 0.1.0 | | | Lshw | B0.2.18 | List Computer Hardware | | Libgee | 0.20.1 | | | Neofetch | 6.1.0 | | | Nordic | 1.6.5 | A beatiful Gtk3 theme based in nordic color scheme | | ObinsKit | 1.1.1 | Software for controlling the Anne Pro 2 Mechanical Keyboard. | | Qogir Gtk theme | 2019-10-25 | Fantastic Flat Theme | | Vala | 0.46.5 | Needed for Granite compilation |