2019-06-21 03:33:03 +02:00

26 lines
1.1 KiB

# #
# Install Repo for CRUX #
# Instruction #
# #
# wget --no-ch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jolupa/jolupalabs/master/jolupalabs.httpup
# mv jolupalabs.* /etc/ports
# add the -> to /etc/prt-get.conf
## -> prtdir /usr/ports/jolupalabs
# update the ports with ports -u jolupalabs
# #
# All the builds have the locales included #
# If you don't want locales please #
# uncomment the "rm" line in Pkgfile #
# #
# #
# Any question contact: #
# jlpavon at me dot com #
# #