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2006-10-22 15:19:50 +02:00
.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
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.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
.TH "ARCHIVEMAIL" "1" "03 October 2002" "SP" ""
archivemail \- archive and compress your old email
\fBarchivemail\fR [ \fBoptions\fR] \fB\fIMAILBOX\fB\fR\fI ...\fR
\fBarchivemail\fR is a tool written in \fBpython\fR(1) for archiving and
compressing old email in mailboxes.
By default it will read the mailbox \fIMAILBOX\fR, moving messages
that are older that the specified number of days (180 by default) to a
\fBmbox\fR-format mailbox in the same directory that is compressed
with \fBgzip\fR(1).
\fBarchivemail\fR supports reading \fBIMAP\fR,
\fBMaildir\fR, \fBMH\fR and \fBmbox\fR-format
mailboxes, but it will always write archive files to \fBmbox\fR-format
mailboxes that are compressed with \fBgzip\fR(1).
\fBarchivemail\fR has some support for being run as the root user on
user mailboxes. When running as root, it will \fBseteuid\fR(2) to the owner of the
mailbox it is reading, creating any archive files as that user.
\fB -d \fINUM\fB, --days=\fINUM\fB\fR
Archive messages older than \fINUM\fR days.
The default is 180. This option is incompatible with the
\fB--date\fR option below.
\fB -D \fIDATE\fB, --date=\fIDATE\fB\fR
Archive messages older than \fIDATE\fR.
\fIDATE\fR can be a date string in ISO format (eg '2002-04-23'),
Internet format (eg '23 Apr 2002') or Internet format with full month names
(eg '23 April 2002'). Two-digit years are not supported.
This option is incompatible with the \fB--days\fR option above.
\fB -o \fIPATH\fB, --output-dir=\fIPATH\fB\fR
Use the directory name \fIPATH\fR to store the
mailbox archives. The default is the same directory as the mailbox to be
\fB -s \fINAME\fB, --suffix=\fINAME\fB\fR
Use the suffix \fINAME\fR to create the filename used for archives.
The default is \fI_archive\fR. For example, if you
run \fBarchivemail\fR on a mailbox called
\fIexsouthrock\fR, the archive will be created
with the filename \fIexsouthrock_archive.gz\fR.
\fINAME\fR is run through the \fBpython\fR(1) \fBtime.strftime()\fR
function, which means that you can specify any of the following special
directives in \fINAME\fR to make archives named after the current
.TP 0.2i
Locale's abbreviated weekday name.
.TP 0.2i
Locale's full weekday name.
.TP 0.2i
Locale's abbreviated month name.
.TP 0.2i
Locale's full month name.
.TP 0.2i
Locale's appropriate date and time representation.
.TP 0.2i
Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
.TP 0.2i
Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
.TP 0.2i
Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].
.TP 0.2i
Day of the year as a decimal number [001,366].
.TP 0.2i
Month as a decimal number [01,12].
.TP 0.2i
Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
.TP 0.2i
Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
.TP 0.2i
Second as a decimal number [00,61]. (1)
.TP 0.2i
Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.
.TP 0.2i
Weekday as a decimal number [0(Sunday),6].
.TP 0.2i
Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.
.TP 0.2i
Locale's appropriate date representation.
.TP 0.2i
Locale's appropriate time representation.
.TP 0.2i
Year without century as a decimal number [00,99].
.TP 0.2i
Year with century as a decimal number.
.TP 0.2i
Time zone name (or by no characters if no time zone exists).
.TP 0.2i
A literal "%" character.
\fB -S \fINUM\fB, --size=\fINUM\fB\fR
Only archive messages that are \fINUM\fR bytes or
\fB -n, --dry-run\fR
Don't write to any files -- just show what would have been done. This is
useful for testing to see how many messages would have been archived.
\fB -u, --preserve-unread\fR
Do not archive any messages that have not yet been read. \fBarchivemail\fR
determines if a message in a \fBmbox\fR-format or
\fBMH\fR-format mailbox has been read by looking at the
\fBStatus\fR header (if it exists). If the status
header is equal to 'RO' or 'OR' then \fBarchivemail\fR assumes the
message has been read. \fBarchivemail\fR determines if a
\fBmaildir\fR message has
been read by looking at the filename. If the filename contains an 'S' after
\fI:2,\fR then it assumes the message has been read.
\fB --delete\fR
Delete rather than archive old mail. Use this option with caution!
\fB --include-flagged\fR
Normally messages that are flagged important are not archived or deleted. If
you specify this option, these messages can be archived or deleted just like
any other message.
\fB --no-compress\fR
Do not compress any archives using \fBgzip\fR(1).
\fB --warn-duplicate\fR
Warn about duplicate \fBMessage-ID\fRs that appear in the input
\fB -v, --verbose\fR
Reports lots of extra debugging information about what is going on.
\fB -q, --quiet\fR
Turns on quiet mode. Do not print any statistics about how many messages were
archived. This should be used if you are running \fBarchivemail\fR from
\fB -V, --version\fR
Display the version of \fBarchivemail\fR and exit.
\fB -h, --help\fR
Display brief summary information about how to run \fBarchivemail\fR.
\fBarchivemail\fR requires \fBpython\fR(1) version 2.0 or later.
To archive an \fBIMAP\fR-format mailbox, use the the format
\fBimap://username:password@server/mailbox\fR to specify the
When reading an \fBmbox\fR-format mailbox, \fBarchivemail\fR will
create a lockfile with the extension \fI.lock\fR so that
procmail will not deliver to the mailbox while it is being processed. It will
also create an advisory lock on the mailbox using \fBflock\fR(2).
\fBarchivemail\fR will also complain and abort if a 3rd-party modifies the
mailbox while it is being read.
\fBarchivemail\fR will always attempt to preserve the mode,
last-access and last-modify times of the input mailbox. However, archive
mailboxes are always created with a mode of \fB0600\fR.
If \fBarchivemail\fR finds a pre-existing archive mailbox it
will append rather than overwrite that archive.
\fBarchivemail\fR attempts to find the delivery date of a message by
looking for valid dates in the following headers, in order of precedence:
\fBDate\fR and
If it cannot find any valid date in these headers, it
will use the last-modified file timestamp on \fBMH\fR and
\fBMaildir\fR format mailboxes, or the date on the
\fBFrom\fR line on \fBmbox\fR-format mailboxes.
\fBarchivemail\fR will refuse to operate on mailboxes that are symbolic
links or create tempfiles or archives in world-writable directories.
To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIdebian-user\fR that
are older than 180 days to a compressed mailbox called
\fIdebian-user_archive.gz\fR in the current directory:
bash$ \fBarchivemail debian-user\fR
To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIdebian-user\fR that
are older than 180 days to a compressed mailbox called
\fIdebian-user_April_2002.gz\fR (where the current month and
year is April, 2002) in the current directory:
bash$ \fBarchivemail --suffix '_%B_%Y' debian-user\fR
To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIcm-melb\fR that
are older than the first of January 2002 to a compressed mailbox called
\fIcm-melb_archive.gz\fR in the current directory:
bash$ \fBarchivemail --date'1 Jan 2002' cm-melb\fR
Exactly the same as the above example, using an ISO date format instead:
bash$ \fBarchivemail --date=2002-01-01 cm-melb\fR
To delete all messages in the mailbox \fIspam\fR that
are older than 30 days:
bash$ \fBarchivemail --delete --days=30 spam\fR
To archive all read messages in the mailbox \fIincoming\fR that
are older than 180 days to a compressed mailbox called
\fIincoming_archive.gz\fR in the current directory:
bash$ \fBarchivemail --preserve-unread incoming\fR
To archive all messages in the mailbox \fIreceived\fR that
are older than 180 days to an uncompressed mailbox called
\fIreceived_archive\fR in the current directory:
bash$ \fBarchivemail --no-compress received\fR
To archive all mailboxes in the directory \fI$HOME/Mail\fR
that are older than 90 days to compressed mailboxes in the
\fI$HOME/Mail/Archive\fR directory:
bash$ \fBarchivemail -d90 -o $HOME/Mail/Archive $HOME/Mail/*\fR
Probably the best way to run \fBarchivemail\fR is from your \fBcrontab\fR(5)
file, using the \fB--quiet\fR option.
Don't forget to try the \fB--dry-run\fR option for non-destructive
Normally the exit status is 0. Nonzero indicates an unexpected error.
There is no support yet for reading \fBMMDF\fR or
\fBBabyl\fR-format mailboxes. In fact, \fBarchivemail\fR will
probably think it is reading an \fBmbox\fR-format mailbox and cause
all sorts of problems.
\fBarchivemail\fR is still too slow, but if you are running from \fBcrontab\fR(5)
you won't care. Archiving \fBmaildir\fR-format mailboxes should be
a lot quicker than \fBmbox\fR-format mailboxes since it is less
painful for the original mailbox to be reconstructed after selective message
\fBpython\fR(1), \fBgzip\fR(1), \fBmutt\fR(1), \fBprocmail\fR(1)
The \fBarchivemail\fR home page is currently hosted at
sourceforge <URL:>
Paul Rodger <paul at paulrodger dot com>