#!/bin/bash echo "Brian's Archive CUE/FLAC Splitter v0.1" echo "No sanity checking in place. Be careful." if [ $# != 2 ] then echo "" echo "Usage:" echo " $0 cue_file ape_flac_file" echo "" exit 1 fi #Get the filenames cuefile=$1 flacfile=$2 #Other variables tracks=$(cueprint -d '%N' "$cuefile") #Get the filenames into an array count=1 while [ $count -le $tracks ] do tracknames[$count]=$(cueprint -n$count -t '%p-%T-%02n-%t' "$cuefile"|sed -e s@/@,@g) count=`expr $count + 1` done #Load up the ID3 tag info into variables for later use id3count=1 while [ $id3count -le $tracks ] do artist[$id3count]=$(cueprint -n$id3count -t '%p' "$cuefile") album[$id3count]=$(cueprint -n$id3count -t '%T' "$cuefile") tracknum[$id3count]=$(cueprint -n$id3count -t '%02n' "$cuefile") title[$id3count]=$(cueprint -n$id3count -t '%t' "$cuefile") echo "Artist: ${artist[$id3count]}" echo "Album: ${album[$id3count]}" echo "Track No: ${tracknum[$id3count]}" echo "Song Title: ${title[$id3count]}" id3count=$[$id3count + 1] done #Output general file information cueprint -d '%P - %T\n' "$cuefile" echo "Total number of tracks: " $tracks #Split this bitch cuebreakpoints "$cuefile" | shntool split -a '' -n '%02d' -o wav "$flacfile" #Convert those waves into mp3s convertcount=1 while [ $convertcount -le $tracks ] do wavenum=`printf "%02d" $convertcount` lame --add-id3v2 --noreplaygain -b 320 --ta "${artist[$convertcount]}" --tl "${album[$convertcount]}" --tn "${tracknum[$convertcount]}" --tt "${title[$convertcount]}" "$wavenum.wav" "${tracknames[$convertcount]}.mp3" rm "$wavenum.wav" convertcount=$[$convertcount + 1] done