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2018-08-19 22:31:48 +10:00
'\" t
.\" Title: xfreerdp
.\" Author:
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets vsnapshot <http://docbook.sf.net/>
.\" Date: 2018-08-19
.\" Manual: xfreerdp
.\" Source: freerdp
.\" Language: English
.TH "XFREERDP" "1" "2018\-08\-19" "freerdp" "xfreerdp"
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.\" * Define some portability stuff
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.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
.el .ds Aq '
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.\" * set default formatting
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" disable hyphenation
.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
.ad l
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
xfreerdp \- FreeRDP X11 client
[file] [options] [/v:server[:port]]
is an X11 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client which is part of the FreeRDP project\&. An RDP server is built\-in to many editions of Windows\&. Alternative servers included xrdp and VRDP (VirtualBox)\&.
\fB/a\fR:\fIaddin\fR[,\fIoptions\fR], \fB/addin\fR:\fIaddin\fR[,\fIoptions\fR]
.RS 4
.RS 4
Action script (default:~/\&.config/freerdp/action\&.sh)
\fB/admin\fR, \fB/console\fR
.RS 4
Admin (or console) session
.RS 4
desktop composition (default:off)
\fB/app\fR:\fIpath\fR or ||\fIalias\fR
.RS 4
Remote application program
.RS 4
Remote application command\-line parameters
.RS 4
File to open with remote application
.RS 4
Remote application GUID
.RS 4
Remote application icon for user interface
.RS 4
Remote application name for user interface
.RS 4
Remote assistance password
.RS 4
Asynchronous channels (experimental) (default:off)
.RS 4
Asynchronous input (default:off)
.RS 4
Asynchronous transport (experimental) (default:off)
.RS 4
Asynchronous update (default:off)
.RS 4
Audio output mode
.RS 4
Authenticate only (default:off)
.RS 4
Authentication (expermiental) (default:on)
.RS 4
Automatic reconnection (default:off)
.RS 4
Automatic reconnection maximum retries, 0 for unlimited [0,1000]
.RS 4
bitmap cache (default:on)
.RS 4
Session bpp (color depth) (default:16)
.RS 4
Print the build configuration
.RS 4
Ignore certificate
.RS 4
Certificate name
.RS 4
Automatically accept certificate on first connect
.RS 4
Client Hostname to send to server
.RS 4
Redirect clipboard (default:on)
.RS 4
Bitmap codec cache
\fB\-compression\fR, \fB\-z\fR
.RS 4
compression (default:on)
.RS 4
Compression level (0,1,2)
.RS 4
credentials delegation (default:off)
.RS 4
.RS 4
Window decorations (default:on)
.RS 4
Display control
.RS 4
Redirect directory <path< as named share <name<
.RS 4
Redirect all mount points as shares (default:off)
.RS 4
Dynamic virtual channel
.RS 4
Send resolution updates when the window is resized
\fB/echo\fR, \fB/echo\fR
.RS 4
Echo channel
.RS 4
Encryption (experimental) (default:on)
.RS 4
RDP standard security encryption methods
.RS 4
Fullscreen mode (<Ctrl<+<Alt<+<Enter< toggles fullscreen)
.RS 4
fast\-path input/output (default:on)
.RS 4
FIPS mode (default:off)
.RS 4
smooth fonts (ClearType) (default:off)
.RS 4
Number of frame acknowledgement
.RS 4
Read credentials from stdin\&. With <force< the prompt is done before connection, otherwise on server request\&.
.RS 4
Gateway Hostname
\fB/gateway\-usage\-method\fR:direct|detect, \fB/gum\fR:direct|detect
.RS 4
Gateway usage method
.RS 4
Gateway domain
.RS 4
GDI rendering
.RS 4
Geometry tracking channel
.RS 4
Consume multitouch input locally (default:off)
.RS 4
RDP8 graphics pipeline (experimental)
.RS 4
RDP8 graphics pipeline using progressive codec (default:off)
.RS 4
RDP8 graphics pipeline using small cache mode (default:off)
.RS 4
RDP8 graphics pipeline using thin client mode (default:off)
.RS 4
Glyph cache (experimental) (default:off)
.RS 4
Gateway password
.RS 4
Grab keyboard (default:on)
.RS 4
Gateway transport type
\fB/gu\fR:[\fIdomain\fR\e]\fIuser\fR or \fIuser\fR[@\fIdomain\fR]
.RS 4
Gateway username
\fB/gat\fR:\fIaccess token\fR
.RS 4
Gateway Access Token
.RS 4
Height (default:768)
.RS 4
Support heartbeat PDUs (default:off)
\fB/help\fR, \fB/?\fR
.RS 4
Print help
.RS 4
Redirect user home as share (default:off)
\fB/ipv6\fR, \fB/6\fR
.RS 4
Prefer IPv6 AAA record over IPv4 A record
\fB/kbd\fR:0x\fIid\fR or \fIname\fR
.RS 4
Keyboard layout
.RS 4
Function key value
.RS 4
List keyboard layouts
.RS 4
Keyboard subtype
.RS 4
Keyboard type
.RS 4
Load balance info
.RS 4
Set logger filters, see wLog(7) for details
.RS 4
Set the default log level, see wLog(7) for details
.RS 4
Specify maximum fast\-path update size
.RS 4
Specify maximum time in milliseconds spend treating packets
.RS 4
menu animations (default:off)
\fB/microphone\fR[:[sys:\fIsys\fR,][dev:\fIdev\fR,][format:\fIformat\fR,][rate:\fIrate\fR,][channel:\fIchannel\fR]], \fB/mic\fR[:[sys:\fIsys\fR,][dev:\fIdev\fR,][format:\fIformat\fR,][rate:\fIrate\fR,][channel:\fIchannel\fR]]
.RS 4
Audio input (microphone)
.RS 4
List detected monitors
.RS 4
Select monitors to use
.RS 4
Send mouse motion (default:on)
\fB/multimedia\fR[:[sys:\fIsys\fR,][dev:\fIdev\fR,][decoder:\fIdecoder\fR]], \fB/mmr\fR[:[sys:\fIsys\fR,][dev:\fIdev\fR,][decoder:\fIdecoder\fR]]
.RS 4
Redirect multimedia (video)
.RS 4
Use multiple monitors
.RS 4
Redirect multitouch input (default:off)
.RS 4
Support multitransport protocol (default:off)
.RS 4
protocol security negotiation (default:on)
.RS 4
Network connection type
\fB/nsc\fR, \fB/nscodec\fR
.RS 4
NSCodec support
.RS 4
offscreen bitmap cache (default:on)
.RS 4
Orientation of display in degrees
.RS 4
.RS 4
Redirect parallel device
.RS 4
Parent window id
.RS 4
Use smart card authentication with password as smart card PIN (default:off)
.RS 4
Preconnection Blob
.RS 4
Preconnection Id
.RS 4
Physical height of display (in millimeters)
.RS 4
Replay rfx pcap file
.RS 4
Server port
.RS 4
Print base64 reconnect cookie after connecting (default:off)
.RS 4
Redirect printer device
.RS 4
Proxy settings: override env\&.var (see also environment variable below)\&. Protocol "socks5" should be given explicitly where "http" is default\&. Note: socks proxy is not supported by env\&. variable
\fB/pth\fR:\fIpassword\-hash\fR, \fB/pass\-the\-hash\fR:\fIpassword\-hash\fR
.RS 4
Pass the hash (restricted admin mode)
.RS 4
Physical width of display (in millimeters)
.RS 4
Pass base64 reconnect cookie to the connection
\fB/restricted\-admin\fR, \fB/restrictedAdmin\fR
.RS 4
Restricted admin mode
.RS 4
.RS 4
RemoteFX mode
.RS 4
Scaling factor of the display (default:100)
.RS 4
Scaling factor for desktop applications (value between 100 and 500) (default:100)
.RS 4
Scaling factor for app store applications (default:100)
.RS 4
Force specific protocol security
.RS 4
NLA extended protocol security (default:off)
.RS 4
NLA protocol security (default:on)
.RS 4
RDP protocol security (default:on)
.RS 4
TLS protocol security (default:on)
\fB/serial\fR[:\fIname\fR[,\fIpath\fR[,\fIdriver\fR[,permissive]]]], \fB/tty\fR[:\fIname\fR[,\fIpath\fR[,\fIdriver\fR[,permissive]]]]
.RS 4
Redirect serial device
.RS 4
Alternate shell
.RS 4
Shell working directory
\fB/size\fR:\fIwidth\fRx\fIheight\fR or \fIpercent\fR%[wh]
.RS 4
Screen size (default:1024x768)
.RS 4
Scale remote desktop to window size
.RS 4
Redirect smartcard device
\fB/sound\fR[:[sys:\fIsys\fR,][dev:\fIdev\fR,][format:\fIformat\fR,][rate:\fIrate\fR,][channel:\fIchannel\fR,][latency:\fIlatency\fR,][quality:\fIquality\fR]], \fB/audio\fR[:[sys:\fIsys\fR,][dev:\fIdev\fR,][format:\fIformat\fR,][rate:\fIrate\fR,][channel:\fIchannel\fR,][latency:\fIlatency\fR,][quality:\fIquality\fR]]
.RS 4
Audio output (sound)
.RS 4
Span screen over multiple monitors
.RS 4
SPN authentication service class
\fB/ssh\-agent\fR, \fB/ssh\-agent\fR
.RS 4
SSH Agent forwarding channel
\fB/t\fR:\fItitle\fR, \fB/title\fR:\fItitle\fR
.RS 4
Window title
.RS 4
themes (default:on)
.RS 4
Allowed TLS ciphers
.RS 4
Alt+Ctrl+Enter toggles fullscreen (default:on)
\fB/u\fR:[\fIdomain\fR\e]\fIuser\fR or \fIuser\fR[@\fIdomain\fR]
.RS 4
.RS 4
Let server see real physical pointer button (default:off)
.RS 4
Redirect USB device
.RS 4
Server hostname
.RS 4
Static virtual channel
.RS 4
Print version
.RS 4
Video optimized remoting channel
.RS 4
Hyper\-V console (use port 2179, disable negotiation)
.RS 4
Width (default:1024)
.RS 4
wallpaper (default:on)
.RS 4
full window drag (default:off)
.RS 4
Set the WM_CLASS hint for the window instance
.RS 4
Use available work area
wlog environment variable
.RS 4
xfreerdp uses wLog as its log facility, you can refer to the corresponding man page (wlog(7)) for more informations\&. Arguments passed via the
have precedence over the environment variables\&.
\fBxfreerdp connection\&.rdp /p:Pwd123! /f\fR
.RS 4
Connect in fullscreen mode using a stored configuration
and the password
\fBxfreerdp /u:USER /size:50%h /v:rdp\&.contoso\&.com\fR
.RS 4
Connect to host
with user
and a size of
\fI50 percent of the height\fR\&. If width (w) is set instead of height (h) like /size:50%w\&. 50 percent of the width is used\&.
\fBxfreerdp /u:CONTOSO\e\eJohnDoe /p:Pwd123! /v:rdp\&.contoso\&.com\fR
.RS 4
Connect to host
with user
and password
\fBxfreerdp /u:JohnDoe /p:Pwd123! /w:1366 /h:768 /v:192\&.168\&.1\&.100:4489\fR
.RS 4
Connect to host
on port
with user
\fIJohnDoe\fR, password
\fIPwd123!\fR\&. The screen width is set to
and the height to
\fBxfreerdp /u:JohnDoe /p:Pwd123! /vmconnect:C824F53E\-95D2\-46C6\-9A18\-23A5BB403532 /v:192\&.168\&.1\&.100\fR
.RS 4
Establish a connection to host
with user
\fIJohnDoe\fR, password
and connect to Hyper\-V console (use port 2179, disable negotiation) with VMID
.RS 4
Activate clipboard redirection
.RS 4
Activate drive redirection of
as home drive
.RS 4
Activate smartcard redirection for device
.RS 4
Activate printer redirection for printer
using driver
.RS 4
Activate serial port redirection for port
.RS 4
Activate parallel port redirection for port
.RS 4
Activate audio output redirection using device
.RS 4
Activate audio input redirection using device
.RS 4
Activate multimedia redirection using device
.RS 4
Activate USB device redirection for the device identified by
The FreeRDP Team