README for squid 2.6 REQUIREMENTS PRE-INSTALL 1. Create user/group squid with a unused id < 99: 'groupadd -g 20 squid' 'useradd -g squid -u 20 -d /var/squid -s /bin/false squid' 'passwd -l squid' POST-INSTALL 1. run '/usr/sbin/squid -z' to build the cache structure PRECAUTION 1. all directories used by squid must be chown to squid.squid or to the effective cache user/group defined in squid.conf 2. With version 2.5 the location of the squid executable has changed from /usr/bin to /usr/sbin. Don't reject the new startscript /etc/rc.d/squid. CONFIGURATION OPTIONS There are many other configuration options for squid. This port should be a very basic one, read the docs for the more advanced options. George Adamopoulos sent me an email with some suggestions, which I'll not include in the port, but put here because of his useful comments: --enable-delay-pools Enable delay pools to limit bandwidth usage. You need to enable the option in order to use Squid to limit bandwith usage. It will give fair bandwith usage for everybody. In my case, I don't want one person sucking all of the available bandwidth by downloading a big movie, causing others to suffer. --enable-storeio=diskd,ufs Enable diskd. Improve disk I/O performance. According to the Squid FAQ, if you enable diskd you can gain a 400% increase of perfomance. However, you would need to recompile the kernel because your operating system must support message queues and shared memory. --enable-removal-policies Build support for the list of removal policies. By default, Squid uses LRU, but there are two better policies: GDSF and LFUDA. See the Squid config for a more detailed explanation. --disable-ident-lookups Removes code that performs Ident (RFC 931) lookups. Not really important. By the way, if you do transparent proxy, ident lookups won't work. --enable-snmp You can monitor Squid with mrtg or rrdtool.