Juergen Daubert
I take the opportunity of the CRUX 2.5 release change to do two long standing adjustments: * use a determinded user fcron * use systab instead of root for system crontab
README for fcron 3.x REQUIREMENTS PRE/POST-INSTALL 1. Create a user/group fcron with a unused id < 99: 'groupadd -g 45 fcron' 'useradd -u 45 -g fcron -d /var/spool/fcron -s /bin/false fcron' 'passwd -l fcron' PRECAUTION As of version 3.0.4 release 2 frcon is configured to use a user and group fcron instead of daemon/daemon. If you upgrade fcron you have to run rejmerge to get the right owner for the files in /etc/fcron and manually adjust the owner and group of /var/spool/fcron to fcron.