Juergen Daubert 5f6063a052 [notify] maradns: update to 2.0.11
Version 2 of maradns is a authoritative only DNS server without the
resolver part. The recursive and caching DNS resolver from the same
author, called deadwood, is available as a separate port now. See the
tutorial in [1] how both can work together. Using the DNSSEC capable
unbound instead of deadwood might be an option as well.

[1] http://maradns.samiam.org/tutorial/recursive.html
2015-04-15 13:38:03 +02:00

39 lines
999 B

# Description: A authoritative only DNS server that strives to be secure and fast
# URL: http://www.maradns.org/
# Maintainer: Juergen Daubert, jue at crux dot nu
source=(http://maradns.samiam.org/download/2.0/$version/$name-$version.tar.bz2 \
mararc maradns db.localhost)
build () {
cd maradns-$version
install -d $PKG/usr/{bin,sbin,man/man{1,5,8}}
install -d $PKG/etc/{rc.d,maradns}
sed -i "/^FLAGS/s/-O2/$CFLAGS/" build/Makefile.linux
make -j1
make PREFIX=$PKG/usr RPM_BUILD_ROOT=$PKG install
# remove deadwood
rm $PKG/usr/sbin/Deadwood
rm $PKG/usr/man/man1/Deadwood.1
rm $PKG/etc/dwood3rc
# remove duende
rm $PKG/usr/bin/duende
rm $PKG/usr/man/man8/duende.8
rm -r $PKG/usr/doc
mv $PKG/etc/mararc $PKG/etc/mararc.sample
install -m 644 $SRC/mararc $PKG/etc
install -m 644 $SRC/db.* $PKG/etc/maradns
install -m 755 $SRC/maradns $PKG/etc/rc.d