Fredrik Rinnestam 1ba6b41155 [notify] firefox: updated to 44.0.
44.0 resolves numerous security vulnerabilities as per usual:

Other changes in this port is also the removal of gstreamer support. Since it cannot be
autodetected during build I prefer to not force libraries on the users. Instead, ffmpeg can
be used to manage html5 video content.
2016-01-26 18:55:01 +01:00

4 lines
171 B

9d940e72f9eaff767fafcfbcc387594d firefox-44.0.source.tar.xz
1c53b819f800c61cd50e7c47bdb30bf0 firefox-install-dir.patch
cf6971669f70b440cb6ff8df8b2722ae firefox.desktop