Juergen Daubert
Conflicts: dovecot/.signature mod_php/.signature mod_php/Pkgfile php-fcgi/.signature php-fcgi/Pkgfile php-fpm/.signature php-fpm/Pkgfile php-ftp/.signature php-ftp/Pkgfile php-gd/.signature php-gd/Pkgfile php-gettext/.signature php-gettext/Pkgfile php-mysql/.signature php-mysql/Pkgfile php-sockets/.signature php-sockets/Pkgfile php-sqlite3/.signature php-sqlite3/Pkgfile php/.signature php/Pkgfile samba/.footprint samba/.signature samba/Pkgfile
README for dovecot 2.x REQUIREMENTS PRE-INSTALL Create two system users dovecot/dovenull and one system group dovecot with unused id < 99: 'groupadd -r dovecot' 'useradd -r -g dovecot -d /var/run/dovecot -s /bin/false dovecot' 'useradd -r -g dovecot -d /var/run/dovecot -s /bin/false dovenull' 'passwd -l dovecot' 'passwd -l dovenull' or run the supplied pre-install script. POST-INSTALL PRECAUTION