Juergen Daubert
includes two security fixes, see http://lists.squid-cache.org/pipermail/squid-announce/2016-December/000069.html
README for squid 3.x REQUIREMENTS PRE-INSTALL 1. Create user/group squid with a unused id < 99: 'groupadd -g 40 squid' 'useradd -g squid -u 40 -d /var/squid -s /bin/false squid' 'passwd -l squid' POST-INSTALL 1. squid requires a mounted /dev/shm for shared memory access 2. add a cache_dir entry to /etc/squid/squid.conf: cache_dir aufs /var/squid 2000 16 256 3. run '/usr/sbin/squid -z' to build the cache structure PRECAUTION 1. all directories used by squid must be chown to squid.squid or to the effective cache user/group defined in squid.conf