Juergen Daubert
we define LLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB=1 BUT not LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB=1 which leads to a broken llvm-config. Currently $> llvm-config --libnames --link-shared generated lots of errors about missing .so libraries, with the above addition we get the correct behaviour. $> llvm-config --libnames --link-shared libLLVM-7.so
REQUIREMENTS PRE-INSTALL POST-INSTALL PRECAUTION Note, that updating major versions of llvm (in x.y.z changing x or y) requires rebuilding ports like xorg-server, mesa32, glu and the mesa3d-gallium driver as they depend on this port. Have revdep(1) point out potential candidates for rebuilds after the llvm update. MISC