2007-10-15 13:38:56 -05:00

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squashfs support in your host kernel
enough free space to install a chroot crux and build iso packages
pkgutils installed on the host, if not crux
# download the current iso (or 2.3 if you want to do lots of updates)
# and mount it via loopback
wget crux-2.3-latest.iso
mount -o loop crux-2.3-latest.iso /mnt/loop
# create an empty crux chroot and package database
mkdir -p /opt/crux-chroot/var/lib/pkg
touch /opt/crux-chroot/var/lib/pkg/db
# install the packages from the iso into the chroot
for i in /mnt/loop/crux/{core,opt,xorg}/*.pkg.tar.gz; do pkgadd -r /opt/crux-chroot $i; done
# prepare the chroot (mount up /dev, /proc, copy kernel sources, etc.)
mount -t proc proc /opt/crux-chroot/proc
mount -o bind /dev /opt/crux-chroot/dev
cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /opt/crux-chroot/etc/
cp -r /mnt/loop/crux/kernel/* /opt/crux-chroot/usr/src/
# checkout your new_iso, core, opt, and xorg git WCs
# (I just copy them from my user's local WC)
git clone git+ssh://crux/home/crux/scm/system/iso.git
(cd iso; git branch new_iso origin/new_iso; git checkout new_iso)
git clone git+ssh://crux/home/crux/scm/ports/core.git
(cd core; git branch 2.3 origin/2.3; git checkout 2.3)
# repeat for opt, xorg
cp -a iso /opt/crux-chroot/usr/src/
cp -a core opt xorg /opt/crux-chroot/usr/src/iso/ports/
# chroot
chroot /opt/crux-chroot /bin/bash
export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"
# update the chrooted system
# (may be necessary to get some ports to build for the iso but may be
# skippable.)
mv /etc/ports/contrib.rsync{.inactive,}
ports -u
prt-get sysup
# install squashfs-tools (iso squashfs) and elinks (handbook/release notes)
# (do the elinks part from your host system instead of the chroot
# if you prefer.)
cd /usr/ports/contrib/squashfs-tools
pkgmk -d -i
cd /usr/ports/opt/elinks
pkgmk -d -i
# download the handbook and release notes
cd /usr/src/iso/doc/handbook
cd ../..
# bootstrap the iso
make bootstrap
# build it
make iso
Preparing a netinst mirror: (after building the iso)
cd ports
./checkdups # remove duplicates
./gen-mirror <distdir>
Upload <distdir> to your mirror location.