forked from ports/contrib
2023-08-24 14:58:08 -04:00
2023-08-24 14:58:08 -04:00
2023-08-24 14:58:08 -04:00

# rust-bin README

This port is provided as a convenience for users who are interested in
compiling rust code, but are otherwise discouraged by the costly
interruption of rebuilding a toolchain every month or so. As a **consumer**
of rust code you will enjoy mostly the same experience using this port
as you would with opt/rust. All you need to do is put the line 
  rust-bin: rust
into your prt-get aliases file, to ensure that dependency resolution does
not trigger building rust from source.

Caution: if you want to **author** a rust project, and you rely on hints
from an IDE, the absence of binaries in the expected location /usr/libexec
might cause problems. Feel free to create symlinks for the binaries:
because chrpath cannot accomplish the libexec-dir-change that the patches
for opt/rust would do.