forked from ports/contrib
read before upgrading
README POSTGRESQL ================= UPGRADING FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION --------------------------------- If upgrading from a non-compatible version (ie 8.0.x >> 8.1.x or 8.x.y >> 9.a.b) be sure to dump the databases before upgrading and restore them later. Example: (for your convenience, there could be better ways to achieve this) # pg_dumpall -U postgres > pg.dump # /etc/rc.d/postgresql stop # mv /var/pgsql/data /var/pgsql/data-backup # mkdir /var/pgsql/data # chown postgres /var/pgsql/data # sudo -u postgres initdb -D /var/pgsql/data # /etc/rc.d/postgresql start # psql -U postgres -f pg.dump postgres Do not forget to update / copy old config files to /var/pgsql/data NEW INSTALL ----------- To complete the installation and create a test database you need to do some additional steps: # useradd -m -d /home/postgres -s /bin/false postgres # passwd -l postgres # mkdir -p /var/pgsql/data # touch /var/log/postgresql # chown postgres /var/pgsql/data /var/log/postgresql # sudo -u postgres initdb -D /var/pgsql/data # /etc/rc.d/postgresql start # sudo -u postgres createdb test # psql -U postgres test Edit /etc/cron/weekly/syslog as root and add a line "/usr/sbin/rotatelog postgresql" The complete installation instructions are located here: