forked from ports/contrib
CHANGES: My version of pkgmk has a few changes: * You don't have to build packages as root anymore, it won't even work. This is a very good security feature. To make this work right pkgmk will now use /usr/pkgmk as the workdir. * pkgmk doesn't error out if it finds a mismatch in the md5sum or the footprint, it asks you what to do. * The PKGMK_KEEP_ON_ERROR=yes option will keep pkgmk from removing the builddir if an error occured, for debugging purposes. * The -s or --short-circuit option skips the unpacking of the source and other steps so you can finish a build where you left it. Very practical if you just build mozilla and you notice you forgot the permissions of one file. If you comment out lines in the Pkgfile at least keep one command. And don't forget to use the -kw option. * The -up or --update-port option is a macro. First it checks if your $EDITOR env. var. is set, then it removes all source- files, edits the Pkgmk file with $EDITOR and then attempts to upgrade the package. This is a usefull macro for packagebuild- ers. * I added support for partial downloads. * A few changes that make the pkgmk script more efficient. INSTALLATION: You have to change the ownership of the builddirectory to your useraccount. chown -R username:users /usr/pkgmk Also add this to your /etc/pkgadd.conf: UPGRADE ^usr/pkgmk/.*$ NO USING SUDO: To make pkgmk still be able to install and update packages you will have to add the following line to your sudoers file with the command /usr/sbin/visudo username ALL=PASSWD:/usr/bin/pkgadd, /usr/bin/pkgrm If you don't want sudo to ask for your password add a line like this: username ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/pkgadd, /usr/bin/pkgrm After that you can add packages with for example: sudo pkgadd -u /usr/pkgmk/package* OTHER PROGRAMS: * ports is another program which requires root permissions by default. I recommend you use the ports version included in my tree. With this command you can change the ownership of the ports-tree to your own account: chown -R username:users /usr/ports * prt-get doesn't require root to work either. It's very easy to make it use sudo for adding packages. Add this line to your /etc/prt-get.conf: addcommand sudo pkgadd removecommand sudo pkgrm runscriptcommand sudo /usr/local/bin/ask_prepost Is what my prt-get.conf looks like. SOME PORTS REALLY NEED ROOT: It may happen you find a package which really requires root to be build; for example the procps package runs ldconfig during install. This is IMHO an error in the package. The whole idea of doing a _fake_ install is that it doesn't touch _any_ file on the live filesystem. You can find a modified version of the procps package in my repository. Please send the author of such a package a request to modify his package and send me a CC: In the odd case your package really really needs root permis- sions to be build there is the -rb option. TODO: * Add an option to disable interactiveness for automated script usage. BUGS: If you think you found a bug please read this document Before you send me all the details.