forked from ports/contrib
Alexandr Savca ab6dd0f103 drop maintaining; see commit_msg for a complete list
unmaintained:   aircrack-ng
unmaintained:   alsaequal
unmaintained:   arp-scan
unmaintained:   arpspoof
unmaintained:   asleap
unmaintained:   aspell-ro
unmaintained:   aspell-ru
unmaintained:   binwalk
unmaintained:   bully
unmaintained:   caps
unmaintained:   capstone
unmaintained:   cowpatty
unmaintained:   cramfs-tools
unmaintained:   dhcp-spoof
unmaintained:   gmtp
unmaintained:   hashcat-utils
unmaintained:   hashcat
unmaintained:   hashid
unmaintained:   hcxdumptool
unmaintained:   hcxtools
unmaintained:   hcxtools3
unmaintained:   hwloc
unmaintained:   lft
unmaintained:   libewf-legacy
unmaintained:   libmtp
unmaintained:   libxcrypt2.4
unmaintained:   macchanger
unmaintained:   masscan
unmaintained:   mdk3
unmaintained:   mdk4
unmaintained:   ncrack
unmaintained:   p5-file-remove
unmaintained:   p5-gtk2-trayicon
unmaintained:   p5-module-install
unmaintained:   p5-module-scandeps
unmaintained:   p5-net-pcap
unmaintained:   p5-net-rawip
unmaintained:   p5-netpacket
unmaintained:   p5-string-crc32
unmaintained:   p5-text-asciitable
unmaintained:   p5-yaml-tiny
unmaintained:   padbuster
unmaintained:   perltidy
unmaintained:   pixiewps
unmaintained:   polipo
unmaintained:   proxychains-ng
unmaintained:   qt5-styleplugins
unmaintained:   qt5ct
unmaintained:   radare2
unmaintained:   sasquatch
unmaintained:   scapy
unmaintained:   sleuthkit
unmaintained:   sslsplit
unmaintained:   thc-ipv6
unmaintained:   tor
unmaintained:   torsocks
unmaintained:   wordlistctl
unmaintained:   xautolock
unmaintained:   xxhash
unmaintained:   yersinia
2021-02-10 13:11:57 +02:00
2020-11-19 17:46:55 +02:00
2020-11-19 17:46:55 +02:00
2020-11-19 17:46:55 +02:00

README for alsaequal


    1. Add '/usr/lib/ladspa' to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    2. Add the following to your ALSA configuration file:

    ctl.equal {
        type equal;

    pcm.plugequal {
        type equal;

        # Modify the line below if you do not want to use sound card 0.
        #slave.pcm "plughw:0,0";

        # by default we want to play from more sources at time:
        slave.pcm "plug:dmix";

    # pcm.equal {
    # If you do not want the equalizer to be your default soundcard
    # comment the following line and uncomment the above line.
    # (You can choose it as the output device by addressing it with specific
    #  apps,eg mpg123 -a equal 06.Back_In_Black.mp3)
    pcm.!default {
        type plug;
        slave.pcm plugequal;

    And you are ready to change your equalizer using command
    $ alsamixer -D equal

    Note that configuration file is different for each user (until not
    specified else) it is saved in ~/.alsaequal.bin. So if you want to use
    ALSAEqual with mpd or another software running under different user, you
    can configure it using

    $ su mpd -c 'alsamixer -D equal'

    or for example, you can make a symlink to your .alsaequal.bin in his home.