forked from ports/contrib

Kernel Requirements

If you want to have a full working CRUX+Docker system you will need to rebuild your kernel various networking, cgroups and optional lvm options

Please review the provided ``test_kernel_config.sh`` shell script carefully and use this to test your kernel configuration. This README does not document
what these specific options are to vaoid duplication. They are listed instead in ``test_kernel_config.sh``.

You may check your kernel configuration by running:

    ./test_kernel_config.sh /usr/src/linux/.config

Execution Engines

As of Docker 0.9+ execution engines are pluggable and as such Docker no longer depends on lxc.
The new default execution driver is now an internal ``libcontainer`` driver that replaces the need for lxc.

Please see the `Docker Documentation <http://docs.docker.io>`_ if you want to use a different execution engine other then the default.

Storage Backends

Docker comes with three main Storage Backends:

- AUFS (*requires AUFS kernel/patches*)
- devmapper
- btrfs

It is recommended you use the devmapper or btrfs backend (Default: devmapper).

To use the ``btrfs`` backend edit ``/etc/docker.conf`` and modify the ``DOCKER_OPTS`` with:

    DOCKER_OPTS="-s btrfs"

Docker Client

Add yourself to the ``docker`` group if you wish to access the Docker daemon on localhost via UNIX Socker.