2019-06-28 16:12:45 +02:00

1.6 KiB


  1. First download the necessary files:

    bash $wget --no-ch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jolupa/jolupalabs/master/jolupalabs.{httpup,pub}

  2. Move the downloaded file to the proper folder:

    bash $sudo mv jolupalabs.{httpup,pub} /etc/ports/

  3. Add the ports line in yours /etc/prt-get.conf to fetch the repo:

    prtdir /usr/ports/jolupalabs

  4. Update the repo into your computer:

    bash $sudo ports -u jolupalabs


  1. All the builds have the locales installed, this is a NOT for the CRUX handbook. If you want to remove the locales just edit the Pkgfile and uncomment the rm line.


If you have any question, doubt or problem regarding the ports, please feel free to contact me at jlpavon at me dot com


I provide two methods for installing the Desktop Environment Xfce.

  1. Just make a depinst install of the meta package:

    bash $sudo prt-get depinst xfce

  2. Install the packages in this same order:

    bash $sudo prt-get depinst xfce4-dev-tools libxfce4util xfconf libxfce4ui garcon exo xfce4-panel thunar thunar-volman xfce4-settings xfce4-session xfwm4 xfdesktop xfce4-appfinder tumbler xfce4-terminal xfce4-power-manager xfce4-notifyd xfce4-screenshooter mousepad xdg-user-dirs greybird-xfce elementary-xfce font-noto font-undefined-medium

  3. Take a big cup of coffe or just relax...

  4. To launch Xfce create a .xinitrc file in your home directory with the following content:

    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
  5. Enjoy this beatifull Desktop Manager!